Coming this week Uncategorized

Updates and New Show

Let’s start with Yesteryear’s Baseball.
We hope you are enjoying the present re-run of our series #10, involving the greatest NON-Yankees vs. the greatest Yankees who played before 1960. As we re-listen to our broadcasts, not only is this a better series game wise than our series #1 – BUT is also a much better announced than was series #1.🫣😂

Presently the NON-Yankees lead 2 games to 1; and whether you love or hate the Yankees – it’s hard to root against any of these greats. Not only are the names of Ruth and Gehrig, but also those of Cobb, Cy Young, Foxx, Williams, Frisch etal. are all iconic heroes of the game. So remember to tune in tomorrow (Friday, Jan. 24, 2025) at 9AM (EASTERN) to hear game 4.

Also, we’ll be back on again with a NEW series on February 21 (a clue for you Sherlock-ians who now have figured out this series goes the full 7 games
Okay, Now we havw a brand new show starting tomorrow. It is called Rusty Ripples. Our very own DJ mike will be back doing a 70’s and 80’s show with a twist. In the first hour he will spotlight a track from the 60’s and in the secodn hour he will stretch it out once more with a 90’s track. It will begin at 6PM Eastern time.
Check the schedule and click on theshows you enjoy. We will also bring back Regresh on Wednesday evenings at 7PM. Greg Laury will present his short sermon specials along with David James who will play the best tracks. It is a blessing of an hour.