First, let me say Happy Canada Day this past Monday, July 1st, to all of our Canadian listeners and friends. Come and check out The Underground Rock Vault with Russell while he dedicates his show to Freedom. It is his way of celebrating our country here in America. His show starts at 9PM Pacific, on […]
Author: Beach Baby
Yesteryears Baseball
Paul and Fay are gearing up for tomorrow’s game. here is what Paul has to say: “Happy 4th. — Series returns to Tropicana Field tomorrow all tied at 2 games each.” Let’s all grab a hot dog and drink and watch it together!
Happy Independence Day America
America is celebrating its birthday today and we are excited to join in the festivities. WE are playing our shows for Kara and Terry and also Lady C will be playing her Smooth Seas tonight as normal and she will have a special Fourth of July segment. Beach Baby will not be playing Oceanfront Kickin’ […]
Marriage, 20 Years
Today is the 20th wedding anniversary of Beach Baby and her husband. Coming up in less than 5 minutes, Beach Baby will be dedicating her Praise, Power and Prayer show to this celebration. There will still be praise and beautiful music but she will also throw a song in there that she had written for […]
Due to Internet failure, Smooth Seas with Lady C will not be able to be heard this eveing but never fear, Coasting with the Classics will still be here. Tomorrow, we will hear from Jim with his Give me back my 70’s show at 4PM Eastern.
Saying Goodbye
We are sadly saying goodbye to our very own DJ, Dan K and Friday night will be his night night on Ocean Waves Radio. Please join him and send him an email to let him know how much you have appreciated his shows and talent. He is on Friday night at 8PM Eastern time. He […]
Happy New Year’s 2024
There are so many great things about Ocean Waves Radio and I am going to explain some here. We have many of the same shows and new ones, as well and some coming soon. We are proud to welcome the following DJ’s to our team: Jim, who is doing That 70’s Show every Tuesday at […]
Jim, new DJ bio
What is your favorite kind of music and what artists inspire you? Lol! Don’t get me started! I am a total music nerd. BTW, the difference between a music geek and a music nerd is that a music geek is someone who’s life revolves around music, whereas a music nerd is someone who’s life revolves […]
What’s up today?
On this week’s Lift Those Hands, While this evening, millions of folks will dress in consume, attend parties or just stay quietly at home, our theme for this week will focus on our victory in Christ and we will spotlight songs from several new albums. Lift Those Hands is presented each Tuesday night at […]
Coming up and cancelations
Every Saturday morning we have The Memory Lane Show with Big Bob and it is great! He is filled with energy and spunk! He has the best music and segments. Here is what he has to say: What: The Memory Lane Show When: Saturday, October 28, 2023 Time: 9:00 am – 12 noon EST Description: […]