We have so many irons on the fire just for your entertainment. Yesteryears Baseball will be starting a brand new series in just a couple of weeks. The present re-run of our series #10, involving the greatest NON-Yankees vs. the greatest Yankees who played before 1960 is tied at 2 games each. We have already started a fantastic new gig with DJ Mike, coming back after some time off for family reasons. He will be doing his show, Rusty Ripples at 6PM Eastern time. It will present the 70’s and 80’s with a spotlight of one from the 60’s in the first hour and the 90’s in the second. Come in and check it out. On Wednesdays we have a new schedule with Refresh with David James and Greg Laurie coming back. For the summer we will enjoy a summer show called The Ocean Bar on Thursdays featuring our two amazing young DJ’s Blind Toes and Talented HV. They will take turns hosting this wonderful presentation of new artists. We are also training a new DJ who will be mixing music with sports and when we know for sure of its start date, you will be the first to know. In the background we are working on getting speaking engagements to share our mission and ask for help to help others. This is why we play music for a purpose, so that we can educate the public and train those with visual impairments to become employed. We need your help to do this. Just go to the donate page and give what you can every month or even a one time offering. Join our team and donate or pray for us to be successful in our mission. Stay tuned and we will update you on all the ways we have been able to help in this past year.